CollectionBuilder Project Manger

Sprint Meeting October 2

Proposal Responsibilities were discussed:

  • Olivia is taking lead on tracking proposals coming up
  • Evan working on Code4Lib Workshop revision
  • Olivia on Code4Lib talk and DH 2020 – both workshop and talk
  • Devin – GlobalDH, DH + Lib short essay proposal

DLF Tasks that need doing:

  • Workshop
  • Web/Github Work
    • pages for each type - devin
    • SA + CDM release: 1.0 - Evan
    • Lib-STATIC page update - Devin
    • Collaborate with us form/call! - devin
  • Presentation - Olivia will start slides
    • static web the last few year
    • IMLS grant
    • collaborate with us!!!!
    • (do you know a developer?)
    • Why do this? Lib-STATIC? CONTENTdm not customizable in many ways
    • workflow for us, demo collections
    • Build a collection (on Jekyll without internet) - psychiana from workshop
  • Documentation
    • will address tomorrow