CollectionBuilder is an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that are driven by metadata and powered by modern static web technology.

a spreadsheet with metadata in rows

You do the Metadata.

Use your own spreadsheet and add a few required fields.

CollectionBuilder makes it work.

CollectionBuilder makes it work.

Upload your metadata and let CollectionBuilder use it to make:


Choose a template then use our Documentation and Tutorials to build your site step-by-step.

And check out example projects from users around the world to see each template in use!


A Google-Sheets-driven template designed for loading collection metadata directly from a CSV

screenshot of SHEETS Demo Site
SHEETS Demo Site
built with Sheets

GitHub Pages

A lightweight, learning-focused template designed for free hosting on GitHub Pages

screenshot of `GH Starter Site
`GH Starter Site
built with GitHub Pages


Our most robust and flexible template designed for developing exhibits on your local computer

screenshot of Idaho Queered
Idaho Queered
built with CSV

Lib-Static logo

At its heart, CollectionBuilder is a set of Jekyll projects or templates designed following the Lib-Static development methodology which aims to lower the barriers for development and deployment of digital collections, while upholding the unique values and perspectives of GLAM institutions.

CollectionBuilder prioritizes pragmatic, sustainable, and simplified approaches to infrastructure to ensure the tool is 'do-able' and approachable for digital knowledge workers in libraries and museums, empowering them to take control of their web systems. An experiment in 'minimal computing', CollectionBuilder provides a depth of learning opportunities and development possibilities, allowing users to take complete ownership over the project and make their work open to the world.