Community Spaces

Community Spaces

About Our Community Spaces

Anyone who is interested in CollectionBuilder, digital collections and exhibits, and/or static web technology may sign up for our community spaces, including the CollectionBuilder Slack and CollectionBuilder Google Group.

All CollectionBuilder community spaces are free and open to all. No background in CollectionBuilder or specific technical knowledge is required to participate. To join the Slack and/or Google Group, click on the button below to fill out a brief sign-up form:

CollectionBuilder Collective Slack

The CollectionBuilder Collective Slack is an interactive space where CollectionBuilder users can converse with one another, ask and respond to questions, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, provide feedback, and stay up to date on CollectionBuilder news.

This Slack is meant to be a collaborative space for people to discuss their digital projects and learn how to use CollectionBuilder in a supportive environment.

CollectionBuilder Google Group

The CollectionBuilder Google Group serves as a listserv where CollectionBuilder users can ask and respond to questions, share knowledge and relevant events, and stay up to date on CollectionBuilder news.

The CollectionBuilder team will send brief monthly update emails to the Google Group covering the latest CollectionBuilder features and news.

Code of Conduct for Community Spaces

Before signing up for the Slack and/or Google Group, all participants must agree to abide by our Code of Conduct for Community Spaces.

This Code of Conduct applies to:

  • All CollectionBuilder Slack spaces, including public channels, private channels, and direct messages
  • All interactions in the CollectionBuilder Google Group, including reply-all email threads and one-on-one email threads

If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct or the community spaces in general, please email our team at

Community Involvement

There are other ways to get involved as well! If you or your institution might be interested in adopting the CollectionBuilder framework more seriously, we can help. Please get in touch with our team at and help us guide the future of CollectionBuilder.

  • Feedback! - If you have thoughts on the documentation, framework, visualizations, user interactions, or any other features, please please please provide us with feedback. Our intention in doing workshops and presentations is to gather feedback on the tool so that CollectionBuilder can continue to grow, becoming more useable and useful.
  • Ask Questions - Get in contact on the CollectionBuilder GitHub Discussion Forum to ask any technical questions or bring up issues you encounter.
  • Contribute - If you take to the static web development model and would like to provide contributions of your own to our tool, we would LOVE to work with you and incorporate any contributions you might make. We have a project code of conduct and Contributing doc with tips and conventions.

Our highest hope for this project is to enable a small army of librarians to develop the type of tools and sites that keep the GLAM professionals in control and not subservient to bloated infrastructures and/or third-party contracts. We hope you will feel drawn to help us build that community.