Slack Guidelines

Slack Guidelines

Purpose of the CollectionBuilder Slack

The CollectionBuilder Collective Slack is an interactive space where CollectionBuilder users can converse with one another, ask and respond to questions, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, provide feedback, and stay up to date on CollectionBuilder news. This Slack is meant to be a collaborative space for people to discuss their digital projects and learn how to use CollectionBuilder in a supportive environment.

We welcome anyone interested in CollectionBuilder, digital collections and exhibits, and/or static web technology to join. No background in CollectionBuilder or specific technical knowledge is required to participate.

Content Considerations

Postings to this Slack should relate to CollectionBuilder, or more broadly to digital collections and exhibits, library technology, and/or static web development.

Appropriate topics include but are not limited to: sharing completed CollectionBuilder projects for feedback, asking questions during any stage of project development, seeking project collaborators and/or contributors, spreading the word about professional development opportunities and educational resources, etc.

If you are ever uncertain if content is appropriate to post in the Slack, please consult with the CollectionBuilder team at before posting.

Communications Guidelines

Here is a helpful list of guidelines and Slack tips to encourage effective communication:

  • Please double check that you are in the correct channel before posting.
  • We recommend the use of threaded discussions for ease in navigating conversations.
  • Please be mindful of tagging other users in your posts. When you mention someone, they will receive a notification. No need to @channel or @here (which will tag everyone in the Slack channel) unless you have an important announcement for everyone.
  • If you wish to keep a Slack message private, please send a direct message to another user instead of posting to a channel.
  • For further assistance on how to use Slack, please visit the Slack Help Center.


In order to make Slack more accessible, please consider these recommendations: