Join the CollectionBuilder Slack and Google Group!

By Julia Stone | November 5, 2023

The CollectionBuilder team recently launched two new community spaces: the CollectionBuilder Collective Slack and the CollectionBuilder Google Group. We are excited for these new communication hubs where CollectionBuilder users will have the chance to connect with and learn from one another.

These community spaces are completely free to join. Anyone who is interested in CollectionBuilder, digital collections and exhibits, and/or static web technology is welcome. No previous technical experience necessary!

Before signing up, we encourage you to read our Code of Conduct for Community Spaces which applies to all interactions in the Slack and Google Group. (You will be asked to agree to this Code of Conduct before signing up for the community spaces.) Click on the button below to sign up:

Differences Between Slack and Google Group

The CollectionBuilder Collective Slack is an interactive chat environment where CollectionBuilder users can converse with one another in real time. Users can send direct messages, reply to message threads, and join relevant channels based on their interests. The CollectionBuilder Collective Slack is meant to be a collaborative space for people to discuss their digital projects and learn how to use CollectionBuilder in a supportive environment. Read our CB Slack Guidelines to learn more.

In contrast, the CollectionBuilder Google Group serves as a listserv where participants can send messages to everyone who has joined the group. The CollectionBuilder Google Group is intended to be an informative channel for asking questions and sharing knowledge related to CollectionBuilder, or more broadly to digital collections and exhibits, library technology, and/or static web development. The CollectionBuilder team also plans to send brief monthly update emails to the listserv covering the latest CollectionBuilder features and news. Read our CB Google Group Guidelines for more info.