Curriculum Development Program

Curriculum Development Program

Applications are currently closed

Eligibility: Applicants must be full- or part-time instructors at ALA-accredited Library and Information Science (LIS) programs in the United States

Stipend: Each participant will receive a $2,000 stipend.

Application Deadline: May 15, 2023

Description: Do you teach (or want to teach) students how to create digital collections? We’re looking to provide stipends to instructors who are interested in incorporating CollectionBuilder into their LIS classroom and willing to provide the CollectionBuilder team with feedback on the teaching experience.

CollectionBuilder is a fantastic option for those wishing to teach students the critical components of digital curation while also introducing fundamental web development and data literacy skills including Google Sheets, Git, Markdown, HTML, CSS, and Jekyll. CollectionBuilder’s documentation, open codebase and scaffolded technical infrastructure make it easily customizable to your teaching goals, and students will walk away with free, long-lasting digital collection sites that they can add to their portfolios.

Not familiar with static web? No problem. CollectionBuilder is designed for beginners, and the CollectionBuilder team is committed to providing support and resources from existing course modules as you develop your curriculum.


  • Incorporate CollectionBuilder into your Library and Information Science (LIS) class
  • Produce an open educational resource such as a syllabus or assignment module, or write a blog post reflecting on your experience teaching CollectionBuilder
  • Submit feedback and attend a follow-up virtual meeting with the CollectionBuilder team to discuss the experience

Timeline: Selected participants will develop course modules for use in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 classes.

Stipends Available: 3

How to Apply: Applicants should prepare a short (min. 200 words) description of how they plan to integrate CollectionBuilder into their course. For full consideration, apply through the CollectionBuilder Curriculum Development Program Application Form by May 15, 2023. The CollectionBuilder team will select three applicants to participate in this program, and will notify applicants of their decision by June 1, 2023.