CollectionBuilder-DHSI Workshop Tutorial
Day 1 - The Base Components and Workflows
This day's content will get you started with a basic overview of a CollectionBuilder site, some details on file naming, file extensions, documentation and metadata requirements.
Day 1: Monday, June 7
Topics: CollectionBuilder intro, GitHub, working in GitHub web interface
**Major Learning Objectives: **
- Have a basic understanding of the structure and design of a CollectionBuilder site
- Understand the importance of case in the naming of files and file extensions
- Recognize the required metadata fields for a CollectionBuilder-GH instance
- Understand how to find the CollectionBuilder docs and how to use them*
- Be able to use Google Sheet formulas and filters to fill in your metadata
- Be able to start a CollectionBuilder project using the CollectionBuilder-GH Template
- Be able to recognize a .YML file and where to find a _config.yml file in a Jekyll project*
Day 1 Workshop Recording:
Day 1 Outline:
- CollectionBuilder introduction ( - slides (Devin)
- Tour a CollectionBuilder demo site
- Intro to CollectionBuilder docs ( (Olivia)
- Documentation sections
- Documentation search
- Collection Objects (Evan)
- Object types
- File extensions
- Filenaming conventions and issues
- Metadata (Devin)
- Why use Google Sheets?
- Required fields
- Google sheets tricks (Quick Tutorial/Presentation)
- Formats, filenames, field names
- Quick demo of setting up a collection (Olivia)
- Copy CollectionBuilder-GH Template
- Turn on GitHub Pages
- Upload Objects
- Commit changes
- Upload Metadata
- Commit changes
- Configure site-wide settings using _config.yml
- Commit changes
- Create an Issue
- Wrap-up
- Questions?
- Discuss homework (Olivia)
- Introduce how homework instructions are laid out
- Build a collection using your own data (run into trouble? Send us your questions as well as a link to your repository)
- Create an issue in the dhsi-demo repository introducing yourself and your collection
- Office hours!
- Demo data:
- Psychiana Collection Demo Data
- Carleton Watkins Mine Collection Demo Data
Create a collection using the objects you’ve prepared
- Create a new CollectionBuilder-GH collection repository using the green “Use this template” button from the CollectionBuilder-GH repository (
- Follow the “Generate from Template” documentation:
- Create your collection’s metadata according to the metadata guidelines:
- Use the CollectionBuilder-GH metadata template:
- Be sure that you’ve included the required fields, and that filenames and file extensions in your metadata match the filenames and file extensions of your objects–filename is case sensitive!
Upload your metadata to your repository:
Add your prepared objects to the objects folder in your repository:
Turn on GitHub Pages:
Adjust site-wide settings in the “_config.yml” file:
- Create an issue on the dhsi-demo repository ( that:
- Describes your collection, and;
- Includes links to your collection repository and live collection site.
- Ensure software is set up on your personal computer (you’ve likely already done this by now)!
- Git
- Text editor
- Ruby
- Jekyll + Bundler
- Get in touch if you run into any issues or have any questions!