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Site Settings

This section of “_config.yml” is used to define the core information about your site. The values will be pulled into pages throughout your collection, populating areas such as the banner, footer, meta markup, auto-citations, and data outputs.


  • The title of your digital collection.
  • This will appear as the title on the home page, and on every other page’s header and footer.
    title: Donald R. Theophilus Boxing Photograph Collection


  • An optional descriptive subtitle for the digital collection.
  • This will appear underneath the title on the home page and on every other page’s header.
    tagline: Photographs of University of Idaho Boxers and Boxing Teams, 1934 - 1953


  • One or two sentences of explanatory text about the collection.
  • Appears on the home page under the featured image and in meta markup. Since this description may appear in search result lists, keep it around 160 characters max.
    description: "A digital collection composed of 52 photographs of boxers and boxing teams from the University of Idaho"


  • You! The creator of the digital collection.
  • Use your GitHub username or your name. This will only appear in the site’s meta tags.
    author: evanwill

Organization Branding section

These values are optional, but should generally be all filled in or all skipped. Filling in these values adds an organization logo and link to banner, footer, and nav elements.


  • The name of your organization.
  • Used to reference your organization in the site’s citation, and serves as alternate text for your organization logos.
    organization-name: "Digital Initiatives, University of Idaho Library"
  • A link to your organization’s homepage.
  • This is the url connected to your organization name.


  • The image source for your organization logo that appears at the top right of the screen on all pages except the home page.
  • This logo is connected to the organization-link url you entered above.


  • The image source for your organization logo that appears above your site title.
  • This image will appear above the title on your collection’s homepage. This logo is connected to the organization-link url you entered above.