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Home Page

This section of “_data/theme.yml” configures your collection’s Home page features.

Home Page Banner:

  • This is the image that appears at the top of the home page of your collection. It will also be referenced as a representative image in your meta tags, so that when people share your collection on social media an image will appear.
  • It can be one of the following:
    • the objectid for the image from this collection that you would like to feature on your home page:
      featured-image: demo_psychiana15
    • OR a relative location of an image in your repository:
      featured-image: /images/palouse.jpg
    • OR a full URL to an image elsewhere:
    • if you leave “featured-image” blank or comment it out, the home page of your collection will have the standard page banner with no image background.

Pro Tip: It’s best to choose a large image for the featured image, one that is more “landscape” than “portrait,” i.e. more horizontal than vertical.


  • Determines how much of your featured image is visible by adding padding above and below the collection banner.
    • A smaller number will feature a smaller amount of the image.
    • A larger number will push navigation and content further down the screen (which can make it less useable).
    • Range: 2em - 20em
      home-title-y-padding: 12em


  • Determines what portion of the image will appear.
    • Options: top, center, bottom
      home-banner-image-position: bottom

Note: The features of the home page can be customized by editing the “home-infographic.html” file in the “_layouts” folder. Check the Home Page section in Edit Pages for details!